Fuel theCreativity
Ignite theInteraction
Empower theCreators

The ideal platform for building a community with your most dedicated fans, sharing exclusive content, and transforming your passion into a sustainable creative business.

Your catalyst for creativity and appreciation
What's at Jalintraksi?
All the features you need
Super low platform fees

Only 4% platform fees. Donations funnel straight into your bank account.

Exclusive Content

Grant exclusive access to members or supporters for special content.

Customize Profile Page

You can customize your profile page's appearance to suit your preferred style.

Share Link

A single link to simplify sharing of all your creative work.

Messages of Support

Receive supportive messages from your subscriber to help keep you motivated.

Stream Overlay

Receive donation messages during your live-streams.

Elevate your creativity and amplify interactions through Jalintraksi!
Frequently Asked Questions
Apakah ada Platform Fee?

Jalintraksi mengenakan Platform Fee sebesar 4% pada Kreator untuk setiap transaksi.

Berapa lama proses pencairan dana?

Untuk proses pemindahan dana dari akun kami ke rekening bank Anda memakan waktu 1 hari kerja.

Bagaimana cara mencairkan dana?

Sebelum Anda melakukan pencairan dana, Anda harus “Menambahkan rekening bank” terlebih dahulu. Selanjutnya, Anda tinggal melakukan proses pencairan dana dengan memasukan jumlah saldo minimal yang sudah ditentutkan dan menunggu proses selesai.

Kalau ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, tanya kemana ya?

Anda bisa hubungi kami lewat sosial media di “Twitter” atau “Instagram”. Bisa juga lewat email, ke alamat “hello@jalintraksi.com”

Ready for your new adventure?
Ruko Ice Business Park Blok A/23, Jalan BSD Grand Boulevard, Desa/Kelurahan Pagedangan, Kec. Pagedangan, Kab. Tangerang, Provinsi Banten.
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